Friday, August 24, 2012


Welcome to Spanish 1110!

For this week, briefly introduce yourself and describe yourself using three words from the book (in Spanish; model below). See page 13 of the book for words. In English, please explain why you chose those words, and briefly describe what you'd like to get out of this class.  This post is due by midnight on Wednesday, August 29.

¡Hola! Me llamo Anita y soy de York, Nebraska, pero también he vivido en Lincoln, NE; Heredia, Costa Rica (muy brevemente); y Urbana, Illinois.

Soy responsable (normalmente), organizada, y MUY introvertida. NO soy atlética. :)
Soy responsable: I do what needs to be done and am dependable.
Soy organizada: I keep everything neat so I can find things when I need them (though this is less true as the semester progresses!).
Soy introvertida: I need at least an hour of alone-time every day or I get very tired and cranky. Also, I'm terrible at small talk.
NO soy atlética: I am very clumsy (soy muy torpe). :)

For this class, my goal is that you're all able to communicate at a basic level orally and in writing. I'd like you to be able to use Spanish outside of the classroom if you needed/wanted to. I also hope to convince a number of you to major/minor in Spanish, because it's a fun language, and it's really useful no matter what your career is.