Sunday, January 10, 2010


Welcome to Spanish 1110!

To get started, please introduce briefly in Spanish, following the model below. Then (in English), list 5 things you'd like to get from this class.

¡Hola! Me llamo Anita, y soy de York, Nebraska originalmente. También he vivido en Lincoln, NE; Urbana, IL; y Heredia, Costa Rica. Ahora vivo en Omaha, NE. Me gusta enseñar español, leer y pasar tiempo con mi esposo, mi familia y mis amigos.

5 things I'd like to get from Span 1110:
1. I would like to see all of my students be able to carry on basic conversations in Spanish at the end of the semester.
2. I want all of my students to be well-prepared for Spanish 1120.
3. I want to convince all of my students to complete a study abroad program.
4. I want all of my students' work to be so fabulous that grading exams only takes an hour. :D
5. I want all of my students to know that verbs and vocabulary are the most important parts of the class.

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