Saturday, June 13, 2009


¡Bienvenidos a español 1110 con la profesora Anita Saalfeld!
[Welcome to Spanish 1110 with professor Anita Saalfeld!]

This first week, I would like everyone to introduce themselves on their blogs, using the things we've covered in class this week. As a reminder, postings are due each Friday by 5PM. Beginning the second week of class, in addition to making your own posting, you should also read and comment on the postings of two classmates. See the syllabus for more specific instructions about your postings.

Un poco sobre mí:

Me llamo Anita (obviamente). Soy de York, Nebraska originalmente pero he vivido en Lincoln, NE; Urbana, IL; y Heredia, Costa Rica. Ahora vivo en Omaha, NE. Me gusta enseñar español, leer y pasar tiempo con mi esposo, mi familia y mis amigos.