Wednesday, September 15, 2010

¿Qué hay en tu mochila?

For this week, please make a list of 10 things that are always/usually in your backpack and explain why in English.


En mi mochila, siempre hay...

1. un teléfono celular. I use it for a clock, an mp3 player, for checking e-mail, a GPS, and lots more.
2. un cuaderno. So I can write stuff down.
3. lápices. So I can write stuff down.
4. bolígrafos. So I can write stuff down.
5. audífonos. So I can listen to music on my phone.
6. una extensión de enchufes (extension cord). Because there's always only one outlet at whatever coffee shop you want to work at. :P
7. medicina. Because I have asthma, allergies and acid reflux.
8. papeles. I always keep my folders for classes in my bag so that I never forget them at home on accident.
9. un borrador. For students to use on exams. :)
10. una grapadora. For students to staple papers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mis actividades

Using the following verb, list 1 place you go each day of the week.

Voy a = I go to

1. Los lunes, voy a las clases de español.
2. Los martes, voy a la casa de unos amigos (friends' house).
3. Los miércoles, voy a reuniones (meetings).
4. Los jueves, no voy a ningún lugar. (I don't go anywhere.)
5. Los viernes, voy a un restaurante o al cine (movies).