Saturday, September 1, 2012

¿Qué hay en tu mochila?

For this week, please make a list of 10 things that are always/usually in your backpack and explain why in English.  Due by midnight, Wednesday, September 5.


En mi mochila, siempre hay...

1. un teléfono celular. I finally got an iPhone in May, and I always have it with me. :)
2. medicina. Because I have asthma, allergies and acid reflux.
3. lápices. So I can write stuff down.
4. bolígrafos. So I can write stuff down.
5. audífonos. So I can listen to music on my phone.
6. una extensión de enchufes (extension cord). Because there's always only one outlet at whatever coffee shop you want to work at. :P
7. pañuelos de papel. I'm allergic to lots of things so I sneeze a lot.
8. papeles.  I keep all of my papers from class in my bag.
9. una botella de agua.  I always have a water bottle with me to keep hydrated.
10. mi tarjeta de identificación de UNO.  Because I need it to park and make copies.

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