Monday, August 23, 2010


Welcome to Spanish 1110!

For this week, briefly introduce yourself and describe yourself using three words from the book (in Spanish; model below). See pages 9-10 of the book for words. In English, please explain why you chose those words, and briefly describe what you'd like to get out of this class.

¡Hola! Me llamo Anita y soy de York, Nebraska, originalmente, pero he vivido en Lincoln, NE; Heredia, Costa Rica (muy brevemente); y Urbana, Illinois.

Soy responsable (normalmente), organizada, y MUY introvertida. NO soy atlética. :) (En otras palabras, soy aburrida. Je je.)

Soy responsable: I do what needs to be done and am dependable.
Soy organizada: I keep everything neat so I can find things when I need them (though this is less true as the semester progresses!).
Soy introvertida: I need at least an hour of alone-time every day or I get very tired and cranky. Also, I'm terrible at small talk.

For this class, my goal is that you're all able to communicate at a basic level orally and in writing. I'd like you to be able to use Spanish outside of the classroom if you needed/wanted to. I also hope to convince a number of you to major/minor in Spanish, because it's a fun language, and it's really useful no matter what your career is.

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